Mentorship Program


Payment Options
  • $5,300 broken into 2 payments
    • $5,300 broken into 2 payments $2,650.00
    • $5,550 broken into 3 payments $1,850.00

Welcome to the Movewell Mentorship program. My name’s Sherry and I’m excited to have you here for the first time in my 33 years of clinical practice. I’ve finally launched an online program.

And this program is designed to give you things that you can implement immediately in your daily practice. But it’s not just about treating patients. It’s not just about becoming a better clinician. I hope that you find your time here well spent in helping you live the life that you want to live. That means we need to create balance, work life balance.

I’ve done it both ways. I’ve had balance and I’ve had some imbalance. And so I’m excited to share with you the things that I’ve learned and how to create a more balanced life that will ultimately make you a happier professional. I also want to show you some ways that you can lead a team so that what you learn can be shared with the people around you. Not just the professionals around you, but that the patients that you treat.

I’m going to show you that probably the most important thing I can teach you in the ten weeks that we’re here together is how to teach people what you’ve learned. Because it’s in that teaching that you learn it even better. And it’s in that teaching is the real value and what sets you apart from someone who maybe didn’t go through this experience.

I look forward to spending time with you. I look forward to having weekly calls with you and interacting with you, just like a one big, long conversation.

Payment Plan

Pay in 2 Payments, Pay in 3 Payments, Pay in Full