A Move You Should Do MONDAY – Child’s Pose to Up Dog
Welcome to Monday and a Move You Should Be Able to Do. Today’s move is CHILD’S POSE TO UP DOG. It’s a bonus two moves for the price of one and involves moving your spine from full flexion to full extension.
Why does this matter?
So many people function in a “protected” range, especially when it comes to the lumbar spine. But the design of your lumbar spine allows for it to move freely in the sagittal plane, and restoring mobility through this range can solve a lot of problems. Training movement through a range ensures that pressures in the lumbar spine aren’t concentrated on any one point and exploring the end ranges of movement makes you a safer human.
Consider this illustration…
Let’s say you live in a house on the side of a busy road. You never let your children play in the front yard because you don’t want them to run out into the street and get hit by a car. So you keep them in the backyard. Every day, they play in the protected environment of the back yard. Then one day, one of them wanders to the front. Not being aware of the road or having even seen it, they step onto the road.
Hopefully, nothing bad happens. But wouldn’t it be better if you had taken them to the road and taught them the boundary ahead of time?
Transitioning through ranges of motion is how we live. Your spine is designed to move through that range and your body can learn its boundaries. Give it a try.
Because nobody has time to be in pain.
Until next time…

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Kind Regards,
MoveWell Academy
[email protected]