A Move You Should Do MONDAY – Star Reaches


This week’s move is Star Reaches. You should be able to stand on one leg and reach in different directions without losing your balance. Start standing on your right leg and then do it while standing on your left leg. Are they the same? They should be. 

The joint between your heel bone (calcaneus) and the bone above it (talus) is called the subtalar joint and it is responsible for a tiny bit of movement that makes a big impact. Just 6Ëš-8Ëš of motion at this joint initiates the chain reaction that ultimately loads the biggest muscles of your body: the gluteus maximus and the quadriceps.

Why does this matter?

Anyone who has had a lower extremity injury or surgery, or chronic lower back pain, probably has limitations of motion in the subtalar joint. Limiting motion in this joint is one way our body compensates to try to protect itself after injury. 

But long after the pain of the injury or surgery has subsided, the subtalar joint can remain hypomobile or stuck, causing big muscles of your body to shut down and lead to other chronic conditions.

So give the star reaches a try. If there is a big difference from right to left, it won’t take long for your body to unlock your subtalar joint with this simple exercise.

Because nobody has time to be in pain. 

Until next time…

Kind Regards,
MoveWell Academy
[email protected]

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