A Move You Should Do MONDAY – Half Criss Cross Apple Sauce
It’s easy to fall into movement habits that are asymmetrical. This week’s move is the half criss cross apple sauce. I made that name up. But I was challenged to see if I could do this move as easily on one side as the other, and to my surprise, I couldn’t. That’s that bad news. The good news is, it’s fixable.
This move requires your hip to flex and internally rotate in order to sit up straight. Tightness in the hip external rotators (piriformis, posterior gluteus medius) will cause deviations of your trunk and pelvis, making it difficult for your sit bones to equally touch the floor.
Why does this matter?
Some might say, “What does this move matter? I just won’t sit that way!” True, your body will avoid movement patterns that are tough. But, as in all the Monday Moves, if something is asymmetrical, it is pointing to a possible cause of pain that happens “for no reason”. Decreased hip internal rotation has been proven to lie at the root of foot, knee, low back and even shoulder pain.
So, give the half criss cross apple sauce move a try. And if you come up with a better name, send it along. I’ve included a couple of fixes, so give it a try.
Because nobody has time to be in pain.
Until next time…
Kind Regards,
MoveWell Academy
[email protected]