A move you should do monday -Slouching half kneel

A Move You Should Do MONDAY – The Slouching Half Kneel


Today’s move is the  SLOUCHING HALF KNEEL. Personally, I make sure I do this move at least three times a day because mastering this move takes care of so many issues.This move should be your new best friend if:

  1. You stand or walk all day
  2. You have centralized lower back pain
  3. It feels difficult to squat

Why does this move matter?

Most of you have heard that if you want a pain-free back, you should lift using your legs. But for a lot of you, squatting down not feel like the path of least resistance. It often feels easier to just lock your knees and bend forward to pick something up than to squat down and grab it. 

Most of the time, this isn’t because your legs are weak, at least not in the sense that you sit around and don’t use them all day. No, squatting down to pick something up usually feels difficult because the big muscles of your legs: the quads, hamstrings and glutes, are shut off or inhibited.

What shuts off those big muscles?

  1. Standing or walking with your toes turned out
  2. Standing or walking with your knees hyperextended or locked out

So what does this move do?

This move flips on the switch to those large muscles by forcing their activation through full range of motion WHILE the hip flexors are in a relaxed position. 

Give it a try. I promise it will be worth your while. And the first one will always feel hard. That’s why you do three of them. If you’ve never done this move before, your body has to have a chance to learn it. Three times a day. That’s it.

It’s the start of a new week. Start it out right. 

Because nobody has time to be in pain. 

Until next time…

P.S. If you are in pain, I would love to help you out. Set up a call and let’s chat and get you moving towards your pain-free life.

Kind Regards,
MoveWell Academy
[email protected]

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