All About You FRIDAY – 5 Reasons to Write


It’s All About You Friday, a space in this blog where I will share a practice that I have found personally enriching. Today, I am going to talk about my Moleskine tradition. Since 2006, I’ve taken pen to paper to capture my life on the fly. Turns out it was one of the best things I’ve ever done. 

There are numerous reasons you should put pen to paper. But MY top 5 are these:

  1. It slows you down
  2. Slowing down requires you to go within
  3. Going within can open up ideas and bring back memories
  4. Memories remind you of lessons you’ve learned along the way
  5. And if you’re still walking, there is something to be grateful for.

If you are so inclined and have five minutes, enjoy this video where I share the tools and the process I use.

It’s been a busy week. I hope you get a chance to slow down, reflect and celebrate. You deserve it.

Until next time…

Kind Regards,
MoveWell Academy
[email protected]

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