Monday's move you should do - tall knee side bend

A Move You Should Do MONDAY – Tall Knee Side Bend


Welcome to Monday and a Move You Should Be Able To Do. Today’s move is the TALL KNEELING SIDE BEND. It’s a move that focuses on coordinated frontal plane movement in the thoracic spine and hips, a key ingredient in being able to reach overhead. The better you move in this plane of motion, the healthier and safer your low back and shoulders will be. 

I first stumbled on this move while doing the GMB Integral Strength program and was shocked at how off balance I felt. I realized I spent a lot of time training in rotation and had neglected this plane of motion. 

Why does this matter?

We are designed to move in three planes of motion. Front to back (sagittal plane). Side to side (frontal plane). And in rotation (transverse plane). The facet joint orientation of the thoracic spine makes it ideal to move in the frontal plane, but if we don’t use it, we will lose it. And the lack of motion here may translate into neck pain, headaches, rotator cuff impingement and/or low back pain. 

So take a couple of minutes and master this move. Because nobody has time to be in pain. 

Until next time…


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  2. If you are in pain, I would love to help you out. Set up a call and let’s chat and get you moving towards your pain-free life.
  3. If you are in need of some CEU’s, check out our short courses where you can learn a lot from a little.

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