A move you should do monday - seated thoracic rotation

A Move You Should Do MONDAY – Seated Thoracic Rotation


Welcome to Monday and a Move You Should Be Able to Do. Today’s move is SEATED THORACIC ROTATION. You should be able to sit tall in a chair and turn equally right to left. Many people are shocked to find out they turn way better in one direction than the other. 

Why does this matter?

The thoracic spine is one of three key areas of rotation in your body and it is strategically positioned between your lumbar spine (low back) and shoulder girdle. The 12 segments of the thoracic spine are designed to give you upwards of 60 degrees of rotation. Remember, force follows the path of least resistance, so the rotation that doesn’t happen in your thoracic spine will transfer down to your low back or up to your shoulders.

A limitation in thoracic rotation is often seen in our patients with rotator cuff tendonitis, cervical (neck) pain or lower back pain.

So free up your back from the stress of sitting and phone surfing. Try this move. Your low back and shoulders will thank you. 

For other quick ways to unlock your thoracic spine, download our Wipe Out Cervical Pain program. Because nobody has time to be in pain. 

Have a great start to the week.

Until next time…

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