All About You FRIDAY – The In Between


I heard someone speak recently about the “in between”. The time and space in the middle of the highlights of our lives. We set goals and make plans. We dream and we formulate. And we set out to make it happen.

We look up to people who have walked before us and we read their lives like we read social media. We see people getting it right…all the time. One success after another. What we don’t see is the in between.

In the in between is where life happens. In the in between, we ask questions like “Why am I so unlucky? What am I doing wrong? When do I get to have what I want?” We can come to hate the in between. But we shouldn’t.

My life is a testament to in betweens. I was a kid who knew exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up. I went through school and aced all the classes. I knew I would get my degree, get married, get a job, start a family and retire at a young age. It was a great plan.

I graduated with my masters degree in PT in 1990. I married my soulmate three weeks later. I had a child. And I started a business that, according to the numbers I crunched, would make me wealthy in a year.

But my life unfolded a little bit differently. I was widowed 18 years ago, losing the love of my life to suicide. My son was diagnosed with severe autism. And 22 years into my business, I consider myself abundantly wealthy, not for the dollars I’ve made, but for the lives that have been touched. It might be a couple of decades before I can retire.

It sounds tragic. But it isn’t. If you knew the stories of the in between you would see the beauty and the blessing of the windy path that ended me landing in a totally different place than I had planned. I don’t think we share those stories enough. Sometimes I think we have our eyes so focused on what we want that we miss the stories of what we get.

Tomorrow, I am getting married. I was convinced my in between was my forever, and then love walked in. 16 years later.

I pray your in betweens are short and sweet. But it is my greater hope that you see the blessings in the stories of the space between successes. They are there, I promise you. And those are the stories that need to be told.

It’s Friday and it’s been a long week. Don’t forget to celebrate.

Until next time…

Kind Regards,
MoveWell Academy
[email protected]

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