A Move You Should Do MONDAY – Cross Over Walk
Today’s move is the cross over walk, a simple move that requires hip adduction and ankle eversion. You should be able to walk crossing one leg over the other while keeping your toes pointed straight ahead and your pelvis square to the front.
Why does this matter?
- Ankle eversion is your first line of cushioning when you walk or run. It is the first in a chain of joint movements that ultimately loads the biggest muscle of your body, the gluteus maximus (butt muscle). It is also commonly restricted following an ankle sprain or other foot injury or surgery, even long after the pain of the injury is gone.
- Hip adduction helps protect your low back from compression when moving sideways. You should be able to bend to the side and feel a stretch on the side away from your movement. If you feel a compression in your back on the side of your movement, you probably lack hip adduction. This is a common cause of lumbar radiculopathy, or nerve compression that refers pain into your leg.
Give the cross over walk a try. Your hips, ankles and low back will thank you.
Because nobody has time to be in pain.
Until next time…
Kind Regards,
MoveWell Academy
[email protected]