A Move You Should Do MONDAY – The Modified Side Plank


This week’s move is the modified side plank and is one of the best ways I know to test the gluteus medius. The gluteus medius, aka the side butt muscle, is the primary stabilizer of your pelvis when you walk or run. If you stand on one leg, this muscle is working to keep you upright. It’s primary job is to stabilize the hip and therefore, it should be tested in its ability to hold your pelvis level. The modified side plank is testing the hip that is closest to the floor. The top leg movement is used to test the ability of the bottom leg to stabilize.

Why does this matter?

A weak gluteus medius lies at the core of a lot of problems: greater trochanteric bursitis, plantar fasciitis, patellofemoral pain, osteoarthritis of the hip, tarsal tunnel syndrome, Achilles tendonitis and lower back pain to name a few. You may notice some things on that list aren’t even at the hip. It’s a small muscle that can make a big difference. 

Mastering the modified side plank can help activate this muscle and keep over pronation problems away. Here are some of our favorite ways to Wipe Out a Weak Gluteus Medius

Because nobody has time to be in pain. 

Until next time…

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