A Move You should Do MONDAY – The Fierce BEAST

Want to strengthen your quadriceps but don’t feel like squatting? The fierce beast is a simple exercise that packs a big punch.

Starting on all fours, lift your knees up off the floor and hover in this position for 10 seconds. Then try the dynamic beast by rocking back and forth while keeping your knees off the floor.

Why does this matter?

This simple exercise has so many benefits.

  1. Strengthens your quadriceps muscles, making it easier to squat, climb stairs, walk and run
  2. Strengthens your serratus anterior muscle, a key muscle that holds your scapula (shoulder blade) in the proper position, preventing shoulder injuries like rotator cuff tendonitis and impingement
  3. Strengthens your lower trapezius muscle, a key muscle that counteracts tightness in the upper trapezius, preventing neck and shoulder pain. It is also one of the muscles that corrects your posture.

So give the dynamic beast a try. Six repetitions helps warm up your joints. 10-15 repetitions will wake up some important muscles.

Because nobody has time to be in pain.

Until next time…

Kind Regards,
MoveWell Academy
[email protected]

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